Routine Drinking Coffee and Tea Can Help Healthy Intestine

Routine Drinking Coffee and Tea Can Help Healthy Intestine
tea and coffee are not only sought after due to the effects of caffeine that makes the eyes of literacy

Wow! Routine Drinking Coffee and Tea Can Help Healthy Intestine

Not everyone has the habit of drinking tea or coffee at certain hours. Usually, because they are the effects of caffeine, no dizziness or may be staying up all night. But experts say both are important for health.

Dr. Cisca Wijmenga from the University of Groningen found that tea and coffee are not only sought after due to the effects of caffeine that makes the eyes of literacy. Basically, two types of drinks can maintain the balance of bacteria in the gut.

This fact was revealed after Wijmenga and his team conducted research on 165,000 Dutch people. Each of them was asked to fill out questionnaires to uncover diet, consumed drugs, and their medical conditions.

DNA intestine participants also analyzed by taking their crap samples that had been cold. Wijmenga said "Commonly observed only one gather of serving DNA which contained several kinds of microorganism. But here we are working to map all the bacteria present in the DNA so that we can get detailed information about the kinds of bacteria".

Not unexpectedly, from where Wijmenga finds anything victuals that someone present change a square result on the variety microbiome in the intestines. Interestingly, the more draw his diet, the more diverse bacteria in the intestines and this is a good sign.

"We can not explain in detail, but certainly more diverse, the better it's health is concerned," concluded the researchers reported

There are 60 types of foods that affect this diversity

In total, they find there are 60 types of foods that affect this diversity, and incidentally tea and coffee is one of the many types of food that can help maintain intestinal balance, in addition to yogurt and wine.

According to researchers, the uptake of foods tasteful in material, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and object grains module also furnish a connatural upshot for the wheel of the gut.

Not only that, the researchers also found 19 types of drugs that have the same effect on the balance of the intestine, some of which are antibiotics and antacid.

From these findings, researchers believe the impact of diet on the health of someone far greater than genetics or age. "With these findings, we may be able to uncover why a person can fall ill and tried to cope with the same mechanism, namely adapting diet or specific treatment," he said.
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